Valentine Cake 2021

Some people think that you have to already know what you are doing before coming to my workshops. NOT SO! That is why I do them, so you can learn in a fun and stress-free atmosphere.
Last night we wrapped up our Valentine Cake Workshops and the ladies did an awesome job! These women wanted to learn something new while hanging out with friends and by the end of three hours they all had absolutely beautiful results! You will see for yourself!
In addition to showing off the cakes from yesterday, I will share the process we went through and all the recipes we used. Before I begin, you need to know a couple of things, like the difference between fondant and rolled buttercream.
FondantStiff No fats Matte finish Stable Can burn up the mixer Does not always taste good |
Rolled ButtercreamSoft Contains butter or shortening Shiny finish Tears easily Kind to the mixer Better taste |
Another thing is that the key to making fondant or rolled buttercream work as well as possible is having a large sheet of vinyl (in our case 2'x4') and a PVC pipe with caps to use as a rolling pin. This combination does three things:
- The caps double as depth gauges, allowing the fondant or rolled buttercream to be flattened to just the right thickness.
- The vinyl "sandwich" makes the surface very smooth and keeps the fondant or rolled buttercream from drying out or getting dirty.
- The vinyl helps in the application process, reducing stretching and tearing.
About The Cake
This year's Valentine Cake is two layers of chocolate, chocolate chip, buttermilk cake, filled with chocolate ganache and strawberry jam, coated in 100% buttercream, followed by quilted, vanilla rolled buttercream, then embellished with candy clay, sugar pearls, and gold dust.
I had all the cakes baked and all the frostings mixed ahead of time in order for participants to be able to complete the cake in three hours. If you want to make one of these yourself, here is the filling and decorating process.
- Make ganache.
- While chocolate is melting, fill piping bag with buttercream. Pipe rim around first layer.

- Stir ganache and cool 15 minutes.
- Using rubber or plastic gloves, knead coloring into rolled buttercream.

- Smooth ganache onto bottom layer.
- Add strawberry jam.
- Stack second layer on cake. Chill.
- Finish kneading rolled buttercream.
- Crumb coat cake with buttercream frosting.
- Put a thin layer of powdered sugar on vinyl.
- Using the PVC pipe, roll out rolled buttercream between two layers of vinyl.
- Using a partner, drape rolled buttercream over the cake.
- Quickly cut away excess.
- Smooth rolled buttercream and repair any tears.
- Using a ruler and fondant wheel, mark diagonals.
- Add gold pearls to each intersection.
- Soften candy clay and roll into a log.
- Cut log into 1 cm. pieces then roll each into a bead.
- Add beads to the bottom edge of the cake.
- Add sugar pearls as beads are attached.
- Add gold dust to a tiny bit of clear vanilla.
- Using the paintbrush, add gold to candy clay beads.
- When all beads are finished, roll out candy clay on vinyl.
- Cut it into a heart shape.
- Add heart to the top of cake.
- Use wheel to add stitching.
- Dust with gold.
Can you believe how beautiful these are? Just remember, these techniques were new to all of these women! So what skill do you want to gain. Check out our workshop page to see what fits you and bring a friend along for the ride.
Kerith House Chocolate Cake
In a measuring cup, combine and set aside:
- 1 C milk
- 1/2 T apple cider vinegar
Sift together and set aside:
- 1/2 C cocoa (80 g)
- 1 1/4 cplus 2 T flour (330 g)
- 1 t baking soda
- 1/4 t salt
- 1/4 t baking powder
In a mixer, cream until light:
- 1/2 C softened butter
- 1 1/4 C sugar (480 g)
Add one at a time:
- 2 eggs
- 3/4 t vanilla
With the mixer on low speed, add flour in four parts, alternating with milk. Mix until smooth. Do not overbeat.
- 1/2 C miniature chocolate chips
Yield: @4C. Use 2 C of batter per 10” heart. Make two layers.
Pour into greased and floured 10". heart-shaped baking pans lined with parchment paper. Bake at 350 for 20 minutes.
Cool in pan for 5 minutes then turn over onto a baking rack. Remove parchment paper and cool completely
For a typical layer cake, double this recipe.
Buttercream Frosting
In a mixer, cream until smooth:
- 1 C (2 sticks) butter, softened
- 1/2 t clear vanilla extract
- 1/2 t butter flavoring
With the mixer on low, blend in:
- 4 cups sifted confectioners' sugar (2 lbs)
Add until desired consistency:
- 2 tablespoons water or milk
Chocolate Ganache
Put in a pie plate:
- 4 oz (1/2 C) semi-sweet chocolate chips
Heat in microwave or double boiler until it starts to simmer:
- 1/2 C heavy whipping cream
Pour hot cream over chocolate chips.
Cover with a lid or plastic wrap and leave undisturbed for 5 minutes.
Remove plastic and whisk until smooth. If some chocolate still does not melt, microwave for another 15-30 seconds and stir.
Cool for about 15 minutes until thick enough to use.
Strawberry Jam
1/3-1/2 cup strawberry spread, straight from the jar.
Rolled Butter Cream
In a stand mixer, combine:
- 1 C light corn syrup
- 1 C shortening
- ½ t popcorn salt
- ½ t butter flavoring
- ½ t clear vanilla
- 2 lb powdered sugar
To prevent the mixer from overworking, as soon as frosting is combined, stop the machine and work it by hand.
Add coloring. Use just a little at a time. Color intensifies over time.
Wilton Candy Clay
Melt according to directions:
- 7 oz melting chocolate
Add and stir to blend:
- 2 T plus 2 t C light corn syrup
Turn out onto waxed paper and let set at room temperature to dry. Wrap well and store at room temperature until needed. It works best if hardened overnight. To use, knead small pieces at a time until soft.
Sugar Pearls
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