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The DIY Home

Who Doesn't Love an Upcycle?

Who Doesn't Love an Upcycle?
Buying furniture second-hand can give you great quality for a bargain price. But usually you need to invest a little time and sweat equity into making your pieces into something for the modern world. Check out how I did just that in one of our bedrooms at Century View Lodge and get inspired to try it in your own home. Continue reading

Just Had To Have It

Just Had To Have It
When we purchased Century View Lodge in Blue Ridge, we had to furnish it top to bottom which was the perfect opportunity to shop second hand and succumb to my need to have what spoke to me. Such was the case with one of the first purchases, a small occasional table I found at a thrift store. It was solid wood, I loved the legs, and I knew it could be used as an end table or nightstand. Plus, who can argue with $20?   Continue reading